Tuesday 4 February 2014

Don't Jiggle

When I first started teaching my children, some of whom were in their teens, sought to give me good advice.  It definitely wasn't the kind I learned in my teaching courses.  They told me to make sure that when erasing the blackboard to make sure not to jiggle.  They explained that if you go from side to side with the eraser it helps avoid such unknown embarrassments. 
When teaching I always try to think of our complaints when studying and avoid requiring the same frustrations of my students.  One major task I despise is group projects.  If they are ones that students do in class that works fine, but as soon as they require outside time inequality sets in, with one or two students doing the lion's share of the work and a couple going along for the ride.
  Anything that involves learning and  fun at the same time should be high on your list of things to include!  This is easy as a language instructor with all the resources available.  I love showing students Disney songs in Spanish and the surprise on their faces when they recognize the music and find out they can look up something on their own.The realization that learning can be fun is a great start to a life long pursuit.  I am always in class before it is time, so having a Disney song on before we start works out perfect, doesn't take up class time but gets everyone in the mood.  Two of the favorites for today.
Mulan in Spanish!!! 

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