Monday 3 February 2014

PERFECTION....Are we there yet???

NO, Nope, Nada, No way, but sometimes we sure wish!  If I were not the first person to tell you I am far from perfect, then my children would probably be happy to explain it to you.  It is like the road trip, all the kids in the car wanting to know, "Are we there yet?"   In this instance we are the ones quite often asking, because we want to arrive finally!  So easy to make mistakes, then those feelings of less than perfection make us struggle with our own peace of mind and sense of self.  Maybe just like those road trips -when you are passing amazing scenery, spending  time laughing and talking together or just chilling as the miles go by, maybe the same needs to be said to us that we say to our children:  We need to enjoy the trip, quit stressing so very much about what we have yet to accomplish.
Thus I come to the name of my BLOG.  I left out the D (on the and) on purpose an that's a fact.

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