Sunday 2 February 2014

SNOW transformations

It snowed today, big fluffy flakes, about four inches and for here that is a lot. I looked at it during the day and thought how I didn't want to go out and get cold and wet. Tonight I decided to go out, because I wanted a picture of it, discovering that the more I walked the more enchanted I became. I remembered so many years ago when with a thrill we would walk through the snow and kick it up in the air to watch it fly. The feeling of accomplishment of having my footsteps be the first ones on the fresh clean sheet of snow. Creating a snow angel and laughing as we barraged each other with snowballs. The excitement and challenge of sliding with the possibility of falling into it's cold embrace. I considered and questioned myself as I walked through the silent drifts over what I have allowed to happen to me. What pushed me into being a spectator instead of actively participating in this fluffy substance we call snow? My nose now still tingles from the cold and my toes may never thaw, but I took part, I participated, I remember and I remember it well.


 A world transformed by the magic of snow and the 
subtlety of night

Seminary Hall, Northeastern State University

Nighttime transformation in the solitude of snow

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